Based in Cincinnati, OH, the program delivers content to elementary and middle schools all over the state. Teachers and administrators love the alignment to Kentucky Academics Standards and the unforgettable reference for students. These hard to teach concepts in astronomy are a snap for students when they are recalling information for the KSA tests after experiencing Orbit Earth Expo!

Orb, along with his Sun George and his appropriately scaled moon, travel to schools with their teacher friend Candyce Smith. Candyce is originally from Michigan and currently resides in Ohio. She has completed her Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from the University of Michigan and also successfully completed a post-graduate Intervention Specialist certification at the University of Cincinnati. She has over 20 years of experience as an elementary school teacher with the privilege of working with students of various age groups and diverse learning abilities. Sharing the magic of these STEM programs with tens of thousands of students each year is rewarding and fun!