Tennessee Academic Standards Alignment | Big Canyon Balloon Program

Kindergarten First GradeSecond GradeThird GradeFourth GradeFifth GradeSixth Grade


GLE 0007.3.1 Recognize that living things require water, food, and air.
GLE 0007.5.1 Compare the basic features of plants and animals.
GLE 0007.6.1 Know the different objects that are visible in the day and night sky.
GLE 0007.7.1 Identify non-living materials found on the surface of the Earth.
GLE 0007.8.1 Collect daily weather data at different times of the year.
GLE 0007.9.1 Describe an object by its observable properties such as color, shape, or size.
GLE 0007.9.2 Identify objects and materials as solids or liquids.
GLE 0007.10.1 Identify the sun as the source of heat and light.
GLE 0007.10.2 Investigate the effect of the sun on a variety of materials.

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1st Grade

GLE 0107.1.1 Recognize that living things have parts that work together.
GLE 0107.3.1 Recognize that plants and animals are living things that grow and change over time.
GLE 0107.6.1 Compare and describe features of the day and night sky.
GLE 0107.6.2 Realize that the sun can only be seen during the day, while the moon can be seen at night and sometimes during the day.
GLE 0107.10.1 Investigate the effect of the sun on land, water, and air.

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2nd Grade

GLE 0207.3.1 Recognize that animals eat plants or other animals for food.
GLE 0207.6.1 Realize that the sun is our nearest star and that its position in the sky appears to change.
GLE 0207.6.2 Make observations of changes in the moon’s appearance over time.
GLE 0207.8.1 Associate temperature patterns with seasonal changes.
GLE 0207.10.1 Explain why the sun is the primary source of the earth’s energy.

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3rd Grade

GLE 0307.3.1 Describe how animals use food to obtain energy and materials for growth and repair.
GLE 0307.6.1 Identify and compare the major components of the solar system.
GLE 0307.10.1 Investigate phenomena that produce heat.

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4th Grade

GLE 0407.3.1 Demonstrate that plants require light energy to grow and survive.
GLE 0407.3.2 Investigate different ways that organisms meet their energy needs.
GLE 0407.6.1 Analyze patterns, relative movements, and relationships among the sun, moon, and earth.
GLE 0407.8.1 Recognize the major components of the water cycle.
GLE 0407.10.1 Distinguish among heat, radiant, and chemical forms of energy.
GLE 0407.10.2 Investigate how light travels and is influenced by different types of materials and surfaces.
GLE 0407.11.1 Recognize that the position of an object can be described relative to other objects or a background.

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5th Grade

GLE 0507.3.1 Demonstrate how all living things rely on the process of photosynthesis to obtain energy.
GLE 0507.6.1 Compare planets based on their known characteristics.
GLE 0507.8.1 Analyze and predict how major landforms and bodies of water affect atmospheric conditions.
GLE 0507.10.2 Conduct experiments on the transfer of heat energy through conduction, convection, and radiation.
GLE 0507.12.1 Recognize that the earth attracts objects without directly touching them.

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6th Grade

GLE 0607.6.1 Analyze information about the major components of the universe.
GLE 0607.6.2 Describe the relative distance of objects in the solar system from earth.
GLE 0607.6.3 Explain how the positional relationships among the earth, moon, and sun control the length of the day, lunar cycle, and year.
GLE 0607.6.4 Describe the different stages in the lunar cycle.
GLE 0607.6.5 Produce a model to demonstrate how the moon produces tides.
GLE 0607.6.6 Illustrate the relationship between the seasons and the earth-sun system.
GLE 0607.6.7 Describe the causes of lunar and solar eclipses.
GLE 0607.8.1 Design and conduct an investigation to determine how the sun drives atmospheric convection.
GLE 0607.8.2 Describe how the sun’s energy produces the wind.

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