Based in Dayton, OH, the program delivers content to elementary and middle schools all over the state. Teachers and administrators love the alignment to Indiana Academics Standards and the unforgettable reference for students. These hard to teach concepts in astronomy are a snap for students when they are recalling information for the ISTEP+ tests after experiencing Orbit Earth Expo!

Orb, along with his Sun George and his appropriately scaled moon, travel to schools with their teacher friend Pete Dunlap. Pete lives in beautiful Dayton, Ohio. He earned his Bachelor of Science in Education from Ohio University and a Master’s Degree in Education from the University of Dayton. Pete’s fifteen years in education included nine years teaching elementary and middle school science, and six years as a high school principal. Pete is the founder of Better Learning Education, a publishing company that serves thousands of students every year. Sharing the magic of these STEM programs with tens of thousands of students each year is rewarding and fun!