Georgia Scheduling & Guidelines | Big Canyon Balloon Program
(please feel free to ask questions or describe special circumstances)
K, 1st & 2nd grade programs: 30 minutes (2-4 classes, 40-100 students)
3rd & 4th grade programs: 45 minutes (2-4 classes, 40-100 students)
5th & 6th grade programs: 60 minutes (2-4 classes, 40-100 students)
- Please create a schedule for us to follow that works for your school and includes the students/grades you would like for us to teach.
- We will teach first bell to last, but ask for a 30 minute lunch break during day. Please limit your classes to a maximum of six. If you have a special situation, please contact to brainstorm ideas.
- Please try to allow five minutes between groups to allow for student traffic flow in and out of the gym.
- Be sure to inform PE coaches of use of the gym, as they will need to hold PE classes in alternate location.
- Consider before and after school uses of your gym. Set up and take down take about an hour. If gym is used for dismissal, you may wish to alter the plan on the day of programs.
- It is not recommended that our program follow your specials schedule because we strongly encourage that teachers attend with their students to receive the maximum benefits to the students’ learning.
Guidelines for our program:
- Our programs are unique learning experiences intended for multiple small groups described in the Scheduling Information below.
- Classroom teachers need to be in attendance with their students. The vocabulary and teaching methods we use can be taken back into the classroom and used as learning seeds to grow. Having a common background experience with their students, teachers can use our Big Canyon Balloon and Orbit Earth Expo experiences as a springboard for student discussion, problem solving application and higher order thinking scenarios.
- The presenters of our programs assume teachers will manage students if needed – this is an amazing science experience for everyone!
- With the exception of PTA, yearbook or press photos, NO TECHNOLOGY is allowed. No part of our program is to be filmed in any manner.
- The room in which we are teaching (usually a gymnasium) must have at least a 16′ ceiling for both programs.
- The Big Canyon Balloon must have room for a 40-foot wide inflatable. The inflatable is 15′ deep and the ocean tarp in front is another 15-20′. Space beyond the tarp is needed for student seating for the instruction that takes place in front of the teaching model.