Thanks to Greenway Community Ed for inviting us to help them celebrate Lights On Afterschool week!

Orb might be stagestruck after his first appearance on a Minnesota stage! And what a beautiful stage in the century-old Greenway High School. We especially loved the wonderful paintings in the auditorium.

Thanks to the Girl Scouts, Boys and Girls Club, and families who attended! The Boys and Girls Club came right over from their picnic. It was a beautiful sunny day to eat outside in the lovely and historic Coleraine, Minnesota.

It was so much fun to have students and parents come up to the stage after the program to get a better look at Orb and answer questions. Orb doesn’t usually have a chance to get so up close and personal, and he really liked showing his ocean trenches to the very interested students. Some of the kids also stood waaaaaay back to look up and find the Great Lakes. How do you remember the names of the Great Lakes in order? She Makes Him Eat Onions! (Superior is first; do you know the names of the others?)

We knew we were going to be working with smart students; Vandyke Elementary School received the federal National Blue Ribbon School award earlier this month! Thanks so much for having  us out, we had a great time!