At SparkPoint Innovations, we are so excited for the total solar eclipse taking place on August 21, 2017! We teach these concepts every day using our huge, inflatable earth model and scale sized moon to students across the country.
Countdown to Total Solar Eclipse
Our in-school field trip, Orbit Earth Expo, is aligned to state standards in grades K-8 in states across the country. Students and teachers alike love our huge, unforgettable teaching models that bring science to life. Students manipulate our models to figure out how solar and lunar eclipses happen, how often, and when! The program also covers such topics as moon rotation, seasons, phases of the moon, wind, patterns in the solar system, and more!
Our programs are affordable, usually around $3 per student, and cover more information that you could imagine in a single class period. Programs vary by students’ age and grade and are taught by certified, experienced teachers who gear the programs until it’s just right for your students.

Call us today!
Select your state at the prompts.

Questions? Contact Us Today!
What to Learn More? Check out these great resources!
A webinar TOMORROW! (May 9, 2017)
American Astronomical Society’s Resources
State by State options available to teachers:
List of Resources: https://www.rocketcenter.com/calendar/2017-08-21/total-solar-eclipse
PD: One more on June 1st (link is PDF) https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/atoms/files/solar_eclipse_workshop2017.pdf
PD 1: http://www.museumofaviation.org/moaevents/solar-eclipse-2017/
PD 2: https://ung.edu/planetarium/solar-eclipse-program.php
North Carolina:
PD: http://www.pari.edu/solar-eclipse-workshop-at-pari/
South Carolina:
Dept. of Ed Resources: https://www.ed.sc.gov/instruction/standards-learning/science/professional-learning-opportunities/total-solar-eclipse-resources/
SC Ed TV: https://www.scetv.org/blog/education/2017/total-solar-eclipse-resources-sc-department-education
States that teacher workshops will be held in July: http://mtsu.edu/eclipse/
PD 1: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/solar-eclipse-innovative-educator-workshop-tickets-33495062634