To kick off our move into Minnesota, we offered a special “sneak preview” for parent organization groups. We were pleased to have not just one, but four schools take us up on our offer!

We had so much fun teaching Orbit Earth Expo to students, teachers, and parents who had never seen the program before. Orb and the SparkPoint team are so grateful for all of the feedback the teachers and parents provided us – our goal is to make Orbit Earth Expo JUUUUUUUUUST right for Minnesota schools. (Just like our earth is in the perfect location relative to the sun to be juuuuuust right for life on earth!)

SparkPoint is excited to officially “launch” into schools beginning in September – we will be accepting bookings early, so let us know if you want to get your school on the schedule. In the meantime, tell your friends! Pass us along! We can’t wait to bring these bigger than life models to your school next fall!

Greenwood Elementary

May 22, 2017

Centennial Elementary

May 23, 2017

Oak Point Elementary

May 24, 2017

Rogers STEM Elementary

May 25, 2017