FORT MITCHELL, KENTUCKY –  Orbit Earth Expo dropped in on Beeachwood Elementary for a day of astronomy, wonder, and problem solving. Beechwood’s 3rd through 6th grade students rose to the challenge, solving mysteries of eclipse formation, phases of the moon, tides, seaons, and more! 

Orb was set up and Melanie was ready to go. The Beechwood administrators warmly welcomed us to the school and started the day off with smiles! Thanks, Mr. Ashley and Ms. Brummer – great to meet you! Also, a big thanks to Mr. Williams for bringing us in from KSTA! 

The 3rd – 6th graders were a fantastic audience! Thanks for your clever questions, good attention, and readiness to learn.

Our favorite question of the day came from a 5th grader – “How much does the earth weigh?” Wow! It is hard to put the earth on a scale, but some mathematics and laws of gravity can help us determine its mass. Did you know that Earth is the most dense planet in the solar system? 

We enjoyed the 4th graders’ interest in viewing our models up close after the program. It’s amazing to be able to actually view the tectonic plates on a model! Ms. McGuire’s class really got up close and personal and we so appreciate how respectful they were of Orb, the sun, and the moon – you really know how to treat Orb! 

We thoroughly enjoyed our day at Beechwood. Have a wonderful school year – never stop asking questions!