CUMMING, GEORGIA – Stephanie and Ginny taught SparkPoint Innovations’ Orbit Earth Expo program Monday at Piney Grove Middle School. The 6th graders were just back from a week of Fall Break and jumped right in! 

The students definitely knew their way around astronomy – they rotated our 14′ earth model and revolved our scale sized moon with ease. There was some debate as to whether our moon model actually was to scale because it looks WAY too big! We figured out that it is, in fact, the right size, but there was something else wrong…scale isn’t only about size, distance comes into play too! 

All models have limitations and those 6th grade Grizzlies powered through them all, from angles to tilts to scale. Stephanie thought we could fix our model from showing solar and lunar eclipses every single month by jacking the gym floor up at an angle, but over fall break that gym floor had a fresh seal put on it, so we decided to leave that limitation alone. Models can’t get everything right! 


SparkPoint enjoyed a surprise visit from Dr. Tameka Osabutey-Aguedje, the K-12 Science Specialist Forsyth County Schools! Thanks for coming to watch Orbit Earth Expo! 

Piney Grove Middle, thank you for being such a fun audience! We had a great time. Hope to see you again!