ATLANTA, GEORGIA – SparkPoint Innovations had a great time bringing Orbit Earth Expo to the students of WT Jackson Elementary in Atlanta, Georgia last week!

Small class sizes are always fun because you never know what you’re going to get! But Carrie has a blast with WT Jackson Elementary’s bright and engaged students. Grades 1, 2, and 4 had the experience of a lifetime meeting Orb, Luna, and George. 

When they walked into the dark gym, their faces lit up in surprise at the sheer size of everything. What was just as special was the reaction from older kids who had this experience a year ago. Many shouted, “Oh, yeah!!! I remember that from last year!” This declaration means we did well!

And with the students we met with this year, I know this will have a positive impact on them too.

Thanks for having us at your school today! We can’t wait to see you again in the future.