Minnetonka Explorers Club

Minnetonka Explorers Club

The MN Crew spent Veterans’ Day with the MinnetonkaSchools Explorers Club. Thank you, Scenic Heights Elementary, for hosting our program!...
Riverview Elementary West Side

Riverview Elementary West Side

Exciting news! We taught in our very FIRST Minnesota school today! Thank you, Riverview Elementary West Side School of Excellence, for allowing us to present to your students today!      
Rincon Elementary

Rincon Elementary

Last day at Rincon Elementary School for the Georgia team! We had a blast with kindergarten, 2nd, and 4th grades! Thanks for a fun time!
Winget Park Elementary

Winget Park Elementary

Here are some of the pictures from our visit to Winget Park Elementary School – School Site on Friday. What a great school! Again, thank you Arts & Science Council for funding our visit!